A tiny taste can be satisfying for the reasons of:
1. You gather knowledge of something new without overwhelming your senses.
2. You quickly gather an impression of the food.
3. You can easily become intrigued with the taste-- it encourages you to try more.
Each week, as a reader, you will be served A Tiny Taste of discussion into the complex and diverse subject of foodways in culture.
Be prepared to stimulate your senses.
To keep you satisfied until then, here is A Tiny Taste of who I am as the author of this blog.
I am a new-wife who loves to cook. I am a college student soon to graduate into my professional career. I love the idea of studying someones culture through what goes onto their plate.
My family is big on BBQ and "country" cooking. We live on a farm that is surrounded by Red River in "South Logan:" a farm community bordering Tennesee in the southern portion of Logan County. This picture is from our annual river BBQ on the 4th of July. It speaks for my families foodway culture because even though it began to pour down rain, we gathered plastic tarps to hold and waited out the storm with our watery plates. Food is big in our family, and there are many fond memories associated with each meal.
Till next time-- I hope you have enjoyed this Tiny Taste.